Neuroscientists Have Found The Cause For Car Dependence, But Will They Find The Cure?

Don’t you just love it when writers come up with catchy titles? I’m not referring to my own title, of course, but rather to the title of an article I found on The Atlantic Cities website entitled “The Neuroscience of Car Dependence.”

I’m interested in Neuroscience and have been for many years. So, it should come as no surprise that the term “neuroscience” prompted me to click on the link to this article before I realized that it was about how and why people choose — or don’t choose — their mode of transportation.

The article starts out by stating that we have very fixed travel habits and that the “habit of car dependency, in particular, poses a major problem for sustainable cities.” Well, frankly, we all knew that. But, I like to give an author the benefit of the doubt, so I read on.    Continue reading ….

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